About Us

About Us

The Colchester East Hants Health Centre Foundation has been supporting healthcare in Colchester and East Hants since 1988. Our priority has always been to fund equipment and patient care enhancements for our community, so that everyone has access to the healthcare they deserve.

We are governed by a volunteer board of directors made up of active community members who take a leadership role in the direction and success of the Foundation.

The Foundation raises funds through a variety of special events and annual campaigns, as well as planned and major giving. We have made gifts totaling more than $13 million to the Colchester Regional Hospital, $26.1 million in support of the Colchester East Hants Health Centre, plus an additional $1 million for the MRI program in Diagnostic Imaging.

As we continue to raise funds to continue the purchase of life-changing and life-saving equipment, we rely on the support of our generous donors and businesses in our community…we are truly rooted in community support.

About Us

The CEHHC Foundation strives to improve healthcare in our community by funding equipment and other patient care enhancements, so all community  members can access the care they deserve. Help us save a life by donating today.

Contact Us

Foundation Address:
600 Abenaki Road

Truro, Nova Scotia  B2N 5A1

The Foundation office is located on the left as you enter the main entrance of the Colchester East Hants Health Centre.

 (902) 893-5541
 (902) 895-5841

Mon-Fri, 8am - 4pm


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